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VMCI Update |
UPCOMING VMCI BOARD MEETINGS Sunday, April 13, 7:30 pm @ Pool Pavilion Sunday, May 18, 7:30 pm @ Pool Pavilion Sunday, June 22, 7:30 pm @ Pool Pavilion Sunday, July 13, 7:30 pm @ Pool Pavilion
SAVE THE DATE Saturday, May 3rd is Village Mill Spring Workday.Meet in the pool parking lot at 9:00 am. We'll have coffee, soft drinks and donuts in the morning and pizza at noon to keep everyone energized while sprucing up the grounds of Village Mill. Bring shovels, rakes and wheelbarrows if you have them available.
VMNA Meeting will be held onApril 27th, 7:30 p.m., - Pool Pavilion
If you have not paid your annual Village Mill Ladies Association Dues, please drop them off to Sheila Greear (VM Treasurer). Her address is 4863 Village Creek Drive.
Strawberry Festival is Coming!
Please consider volunteering with this fun neighborhood event! We need the support of our whole community in order to make Strawberry Festival the fun and successful event it has always been. We especially need volunteers to chair the Food Sales (2 people), Bake Sale, and Kids' Art areas, in addition to other volunteer opportunities. Please contact with any questions."
Village Mill Easter Egg Hunt |
Time for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt!
Come celebrate spring with an egg hunt and the big bunny.
Wednesday, April 16th, 4:00 at the pool
For each child that is participating, please donate 1 dozen stuffed, plastic easter eggs to Jen Simmons by Sunday, April 13. If possible, please stuff eggs with items that don't melt easily in the sun.
Rain-out date is Thursday.

Our MARCH breakfast meeting featured Mr. Jim Riticher, our District 2, Dunwoody City Council Member, as our honored guest speaker. Councilman Riticher gave us updates on our City's activities and projectswhile alsoaddressingour concerns and questions.This was verymuch appreciated by the large group in attendance. Thanks again Jim.
Our APRIL breakfast meeting will be Monday (always 2nd Monday),April 14at the Hickory House. Thanks to an invitation from Lou Douglass, Mr. David Perdue, candidate for U.S. Senate, will be our honored guestspeaker. We anticipate a large crowd and another great meeting.
For additional ROMEO information, please contact John Pleck, Chairman
Juliets News |
Juliets, please mark your April calendars. Our lunch will beSat, Apr 12 at 11:45. The Atlanta Athletic Club. Parking is free and you do not need a reservation.
Come and bring your widow friends. Checks can be written after you receive your personal bill. Joinus as we celebrate Spring. Questions?twohueys@bellsouth.netor770-396-7036
Swim Team |
Welcome to the 2014 Village Mill Viper Swim Team!
If you missed Registration last week, you can still register for swim team. Forms are available from Katie Frame at 1935 Olde Village Run. There is a plastic container next to the garage door where you can get the paperwork and return it with a check made payable to VMCI.
ASA registration
Don't forget that to complete ASA registration for swimmers by visiting and clicking on the online registration link. You can use your username and password from last season's registration to access your account information and register for this season. **This is separate from our team registration and must be completed in order for your child to be entered into a meet. Junior swim team members do not need to register here, it is only for swimmers participating in meets.**
Junior Swim Team
Junior swim team will use the same format as last season. We ask that all participants have some swim experience and jr. swim will be used as a progression of swim skills and a prep for our regular swim team. If you would like your children to learn how to swim, they are more than welcome to contact Cheri for private lessons, she will have a schedule outside of swim team to accommodate any lesson desires.
Practice dates/times
**subject to change**
Monday, May 12th - Friday, May 23rd afternoons: (JUNIORS DO NOT START UNTIL MAY 27)
6 and under 4:30 - 5:00
7/8 5:00 - 5:30
9/10 5:30 - 6:00
11 and up 6:00 - 6:30
Morning practices - beginning Tuesday, May 27th ****NO PRACTICE MEMORIAL DAY*****
9:00 - 9:30 6 and under
9:30 - 10:00 7/8
10:00 -10:45 9/10
10:45 - 11:30 11 and up
11:30 - 12:00 Juniors
Afternoon: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays starting after Memorial Day
3:30 - 4:00 6 and under, 7/8
4:00 - 4:45 9 and up
Swim Meets
Meets will be Tuesday nights. The Meet Schedules are still being worked on and we are trying to determine whether or not to reschedule the meet on May 27th.
Divisional meet: Thursday morning June 26th
Championship meet: Sunday June 29th
End of season party: Thursday June 26th (after divisional meet at GA Tech that morning)
If you have any questions, please email
Fresh Food Co-op in Village Mill |
Interested in getting fresh, local produce delivered to your door? April Toms is starting a Village Mill Co-op to with Nature's Garden Express. With 4 or more orders, Village Mill can start to enjoy thebenefitsof easy access to nutritious and affordable food. Sustainably raised meats, farm fresh dairy and local fruits and vegetables are available. Prices are reduced as more people sign up.
Contact April Toms if you are interested in learning more about the Village Mill co-op.Deliveries are made to just ONE local address.April has a coupon code for $10 off your first delivery if you want to try it.
Community Plant Sale |
Dunwoody Community Garden Plant Sale
There are several Village Mill residents who are members of the Dunwoody Community Garden( DCG)at Brook Run Park. Please come support them!
Dunwoody Community Garden and Dunwoody Fine Arts Association
Offer a joint Plant Sale and Art Exhibit at Lemonade Days
The Dunwoody Community Garden (DCG) and the Dunwoody Fine Art Association will be selling plants and exhibiting Art from local artists at Brook Run Park at 4770 North Peachtree Road in Dunwoody, GA 30338 during Lemonade Days on April 25, 26, & 27 at the Greenhouse complex, which is across from the skateboard facility. The hours will be from 9:00 AM to 5:00PM. The public is invited and there is no fee.
Neighborhood News
Congratulations to....
The Village Mill U12 Boys Tennis Team. They are the division winners for Winter 2014.
Thank you to...
Lisa Kelley for hosting the VMNA Ladies Social and Egg stuffing party. It was a lot of fun!
Welcome to New Neighbors...
Gregory & Nadine Evans and their children Sophia (9), Gregory (7) and Isabella (5).Their address is 1785 Womack Road.
Welcome to New VMCI Members
Paul and Julie Kolevsohn
Noah and Ivy
VMCI Resignations
Karen and Ben Deutsch
Hilary and Don Lancaster
Bill Allen
Melanie and Mark Ford