Village Mill Neighborhood Association
November 2013
Katie Frame & Paula Friedman, Editors
Find "Village Mill" on facebook for updates
Upcoming Calendar
November 11th ROMEO Breakfast Meeting
November 17th VMCI Meeting
November 24th Candle and Bow orders DUE
November 28th Happy Thanksgiving
November 30th Senior Membership Deadline
December 1st Annual ROMEO Christmas Dinner
December 9th Place Bows on Mailbox
December 11th VMNA Holiday Open House
December 14th Village Mill Holiday Party
December 15th VMCI Meeting
December 24th Christmas Eve Luminaries 6pm
December 25th Christmas
Village Mill's Holiday Party
Save the date for Village Mill's Holiday Party on Saturday, December 14th. More details to come soon.
VMNA Holiday Open House
Save the date for the VMNA Holiday Open House Wednesday, December 11th 5:30 pm- 7:30 pm. More details to follow along with an invitation. Please make sure your VMNA dues are paid to receive your invitation.
Candles and Bows
It's time to order bows and candles. The holidays will be here before we know it!! We are going to use the 2" votive candles and brown lunch bags for our Holiday Luminary again this year. The votive candles will be $2.00 per box of 6 candles. The red velvet bows are $5.00 each. Your neighborhood rep will provide you with an order form. Please complete the form and return it with your money to your Neighborhood Rep by Sunday, November 24th. Your rep will deliver your order to you or call to arrange pick-up sometime after December 7th. Please have your bows on your mailboxes by Monday, December 9th if possible as the Holiday Open House is Wednesday, December 11th from 5:30pm - 7:30pm.
Happy Holidays!
The ROMEOS heard from another District 2 Dunwoody City Council candidate, Mr. William (Bill) A. J. Mercier, at our October breakfast meeting. A nice crowd was presented with Mr. Mercier's ideas, plans, and vision going forward, supported with a comprehensive brochure, if elected. As always, we had a lively Q & A session to close out the meeting. We thank Bill again for sharing with us.
Our November 11th breakfast meeting will feature our own Dunwoody Police Chief, Billy Grogan, as our honored guest speaker. Chief Grogan will bring us up to date on police related matters and the fine work being done by our fabulous Dunwoody Police Department. We will also coordinate The ROMEO support of the Dunwoody Police Department "Christmas For Kids" program which has been a ROMEO service project.
Annual ROMEO Christmas dinner Sunday, December 1ST.
Please make your plans to attend our Christmas Dinner which will be held at the Crowne Plaza at Ravinia beginning at 6:00pm. The JULIETS will be joining us.
We will have menus at our November 11th breakfast meeting for your review along with the opportunity to "sign up". Attendees at our dinner are asked to bring an unwrapped gift for a child 12 and under to the dinner to support the Dunwoody Police Department "Christmas For Kids" program noted above. Please note that if you wish to participate in the "Christmas For Kids" program but will be unable to attend the dinner, feel free to bring a gift to our November 11th breakfast.
For additional ROMEO information, please contact John Pleck, Chairman Phone 770-396-6283
11 "very friendly" Juliets sat at one table that usually seats 8, on October 21st, for a lunch of their choice. Grilled salmon on toasted ciabatta bread was added to our other 3 choices at The Atlanta Athletic Club. Fun was had by all!
Our next outing is the Christmas party December 1st at 6:00 pm. The ROMEOs have been gracious enough to include us. E-mail invites will come later. Contact Nancy Huey 770.396.7036 for more information.
Updates from the VMCI Board
VMCI Senior Membership applications for 2014 are due November 30, 2013. Consistent with 2013, the Senior Membership dues for 2014 will be priced at ½ the regular Membership rate (to be set in early 2014).
Eligibility for Senior Membership in 2014:
- You must be age 65 or older on or before January 1, 2014 (only one spouse need be 65+ to qualify).
- There may be no children below the age of 21 living at the senior member's home.
- You must complete the Senior Membership application and provide proof of age (copy of valid Driver's License or other acceptable proof of age) to the VMCI Board on or before November 30, 2013 to attain Senior Member status for 2014.
NOTE: The VMCI Board will be strictly enforcing the November 30 application deadline.
To apply for Senior Membership, simply:
- Complete the Senior Membership Application (a simple & quick form).
- Make a copy of your proof of age.
- Submit your Application and Proof of Age by November 30, 2013 to our Membership Chair, Terry Manown, at membership@villagemill.org
- If you are not currently a Member of VMCI, please also complete the Village Mill Club Membership Application.
The application is posted on the website www.villagemill.org under Membership. If you have any questions, please contact Terry Manown or any of the other VMCI Board members.
The VMCI Board hopes all qualified seniors will continue to take advantage of this reduced price Membership and remain a Club member. If you are not currently a member of the Club, please consider joining your friends and neighbors and enjoy all the Club has to offer!
Non-Returning VMCI Members
If you will not be renewing your VMCI membership for 2014, please contact our Membership Chair, Terry Manown or 770-399-0789, by December 31, 2013 to be eligible to receive a full refund of your Membership Bond.
Upcoming VMCI Board Meetings
- November 17th (Sunday) @ 7:30pm - home of Andy and Kathy Smith
- December 15th (Sunday) @ 7:30pm - home of Eric and Paula Friedman
Tennis Updates
Congratulations to all teams on a great fall season! I would like to recognize the 4 junior teams. The 14U Girls team finished 3rd, just a few points from making the playoffs.
We have 2 City Champions so far and a 3rd team playing for the City Championship next weekend. Congratulations to all players, coach Takura and a special thanks to the team captains. Well done and way to go!
- 10U Boys (captain: Cameron) City Champions

- 14 Boys (captain: Heidbreder) City Champions

- 12U Girls (captain: Shaffner) City Finals on November 9th
TAA Fun Day and Match Play - Saturday, November 9th.
It is a day of fun games, drills and introduction to tournaments and match play for all kids in the tennis program. The afternoon includes lunch and a presentation from guest speaker, Page Love, a Nutritionist and Sports Dietitian who works with many professional athletes in WTA and ATP.
11 am-3 pm Games and Match Play
3-4 pm Page Love presentation at the Village Mill Pavillion
There is a $10/player fee to participate. To sign up, click here.
Thanksgiving Camp Information - Nov. 25-29
When school is out (Dekalb County) there is NO after school program. Camps will be offered every day, including Thanksgiving morning. Please RSVP to Takura by November 15th if your child is interested in participating.
Cardio Tennis
TAA continues to offer Cardio Tennis. Sign up information is available on the website.
- Monday 7-8:30 pm Mens Cardio Tennis
- Wednesday 7-8:30 pm Advanced Ladies Cardio Tennis
- Thursday 7-8:30 pm Beginner Ladies Cardio Tennis
- Friday 9-10:30 am Beginner Ladies Cardio Tennis
Contact Takura if you have questions.
New windscreens have been ordered for the Courts 1 & 2. They should be here before Thanksgiving. Look for another update with the date and time these courts will be closed to facilitate installation.
- Click here to make your court reservations. If you do not have member access to the website, e-mail your name and e-mail address to webmaster@villagemill.org. You will receive a link to activate your User Account.
- Be good stewards of our facilities and considerate of other members. Don't leave your trash for someone else to pick up. If you see an overflowing trash can, please empty it.
- Contact Katie Moussouri, Tennis Chair, with comments, questions and/or suggestions.
Village Mill Food Thanksgiving Food Drive for the CRN: Children's Restoration Network
The Dunwoody Chapter of National Charity League, Inc. has teamed up with the Children's Restoration Network again this year for the CRN annual food drive. 2,800 of metro-Atlanta kids are HOMELESS. Please help feed them this holiday season by donating to Children's Restoration Network's Thanksgiving Food Drive.
We will be collecting donations in our neighborhood on Saturday, November 9th from 4 - 6 pm. Anyone interested in donating should leave food items on their front porch or by their garage for collection. If you would prefer to drop off your donations, you may do so at the Harvey's (4631 Peeler Mill Court) by their garage or the Hehir's (4775 Olde Village Lane) on their front porch.
Any questions, please call Kathryn Harvey at 770-390-0528. We truly appreciate everything you have donated in the past and anything you can give this year, as times continue to be tough this season.
Together we can help and give hope!
With Sincere THANKS,
Kaitlin and Anne Hehir; Caroline, Elizabeth and Kathryn Harvey.
Block Captain Reminders
In light of what happened to our neighbors in Village Mill 1 recently, here is the list of Block Captains that Terri Gouldman put together 3 years ago to refresh your memory of who the Block Captains are. These neighbors volunteered to be your block captains, however, if any of the captains no longer wish to be on this list, please let Terri know.
We need Block Captains for the following areas:
Peeler Road - 1
Mill Stream Court - 1
Olde Village Run - 2
Olde Village Court - 1
Block Captains Role - be alert especially for your neighbors on your street, call 911 if you see anything suspicious, be the contact person(s) for your street (neighbors going out of town, etc.)
Village Mill 1
Village Mill Road
Sarah/Bruce Smith
Kimi Lenertz
Dora Biven
Village Court
Joe/Lourdes Knight
John/Ginger Heidbreder
Brian/April Toms
Peeler Mill Court
Bill/Carol Martin
Doug/Julie Cole
Peeler Road
*Need 1 volunteer*
Village Mill 2
Olde Village Lane
Andrew/Janey Hoag
Julie/Cindy Weimer
Tony/Pat Miller
Olde Village Run
Denice Wetzel
Richard/Janet McCulley
**Need 2 more volunteers**
Village Creek Drive
John/Terri Gouldman
Jason/Kristy Whitener
Susie Rabin
Village Creek Court
Jeff/Jen Simmons
Louise Greene
Olde Village Court
Warren/Kitty Turner
*Need one more closer to Olde Village Run*
Mill Stream Court
*Need Volunteer*
Womack Road
Anthony/Katie Moussouri
Thank you to...
Julie Cole, Katie Frame, Julie Smith and Cathy Tapp for organizing a wonderful fall festival.
Mike Smith for the hayride during the fall festival.
Tricia Casey for organizing the Halloween party and Ghost Patrol.
All the wonderful Ghost Patrol volunteers for keeping our streets safe on Halloween Doug Hamilton, Andy Smith, Jim Bartholomew, Brandon Morris, Tom Drewicz, Bill Doyle, John Seggerson and the McGoldricks.
Congratulations to...
Rick McCully for receiving the "Outstanding Alumni Award" at the University of Memphis.
Sympathy to...
Pam Langley and family on the death of her sister.
Next Newsletter...
Please email news items to villagemillnewslettereditors@gmail.com
by November 29, 2013 for inclusion in the December issue. Please DO NOT send information to Katie's or Paula's personal email addresses as they share the job of the newsletter and don't want information to get missed. Also, please visit the "Village Mill" Facebook page for upcoming events.