Village Mill December Newsletter
December 2, 2013
Best Wishes to Everyone this Holiday Season!
Katie & Paula
V  MNA Ladies Open House
Every year, the Village Mill Neighborhood Association (VMNA) ladies group celebrates a year of good events and fellowship.
Holiday Open House
at the home ofJulie Smith
4763 Olde Village Lane
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
The Annual VMNA Holiday Open House will be in the evening this year, be on the look out for an evite invitation, they were sent out today.Contact Julie Smith if you did not get an evite.
Please remember this event is for VMNA members only. If you have not paid your 2013 VMNA dues yet, please mail your $35 payment to Julie Smith at 4763 Olde Village Lane.
*If your email is not in the 2013 directory, please email Julie Smith at jmsmith97@bellsouth.net with your email address so that you will receive an evite for this fun event!
Cooks Needed for the VMNA Ladies Event
Calling all holiday cooks! We are looking for volunteers to prepare some delicious appetizers for the VMNA holiday open house. This is a great way to help ring in the holiday season for our neighborhood!Recipes will be provided, but we need you to bring them to life! This is one of the, truly, great traditions of our close community and the VMNA needs your help in order to continue the great spirit of Christmas in Village Mill.
Please contact Ginger McLaughlin - gimclaug1@gmail.com or Lisa Kelley - mkelleyx@bellsouth.netwith any questions.
V  MCI Holiday Party, December 14th
Village Mill Progressive Holiday Party
Saturday, December 14
7:00 pm
We will be visiting 3 different homes all together as a group for appetizers, cocktails & dessert.
7:00 pm - Appetizers at Paula & Eric Friedman's House
8:00 pm - Dinner at Julie & Mike Smith's House
9:00 pm - Desserts at Cathy & Scott Tapp's House
- The attire is Festive Casual.
- Cost is $15 per single or $30 per couple. Dinner, drinks and desserts are all included.
- If you have other events to attend....no worries, you can hopefully still make it to at least one of the Host Homes during the evening.
Please rsvp to Cathy Tapp by December 7, 2013.
R  OMEO News
The ROMEOS enjoyed hearing from our Dunwoody Chief of Police, Billy Grogan, at our well attended November breakfast meeting. Chief Grogan gave us insights and updates on the operations, activities, and accomplishments of our GREAT DUNWOODY POLICE DEPARTMENT, as well at tips to deter home invasions to protect ourselves, our homes, and property.
In addition, we formalized the ROMEO plans with Chief Grogan to support the Dunwoody Police Department "Christmas For kids" annual program which the ROMEOS are proud to be part of. THANK YOU CHIEF GROGAN.
Our DECEMBER meeting will be our Annual Christmas Dinner December 1 at the Crowne Plaza at Ravinia with the JULIETS as our honored guests. As of this writing we are finalizing the plans and details of the dinner which will include our presentation of our gifts supporting the Dunwoody Police Department "Christmas For Kids" program noted above. A representative of our DPD will pick our gifts up at the dinner.
We will not have a breakfast meeting in December to allow our full focus on our dinner.
Villa  ge Mill Christmas Eve Luminary Tradition
Whether you celebrate the luminary tradition or not, step outside at 6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve and join your neighbors for hugs, handshakes and good wishes. It is a special time in Village Mill! Here are the details for the annual luminary tradition:
*** You will need: brown paper lunch bags, some sand, and small
votive candles. A typical Village Mill yard needs about 16 bags and
candles. Corner lots will need at least twice that.Put about 2 inches of sand in the bottom of each bag.Sand will be available in the pool parking lot starting Saturday,December 21st. ***
On Christmas Eve, place the bags 6 feet apart, along the curb, in front of
your house, including your driveway. Put a candle in each bag.
*** Light your candles at 6:00 p.m. - rain or shine - and let them burn
as long as they will through the night. If you won't be at home on
Christmas Eve, please ask a neighbor to light your luminaries for you.
Happy Holidays!
VM  CI Updates
Messages from the VMCI Board...
Non-Returning VMCI Members
If you will not be renewing your VMCI membership for 2014, please contact our Membership Chair, Terry Manown, by Dec 31, 2013 to be eligible to receive a full refund of your Membership Bond. Terry can be reached at membership@villagemill.org or 770-399-0789.
Upcoming VMCI Board Meetings
* December 15 (Sunday) @ 7:30pm - home of Andy and Kathy Smith
Ne  ighborhood News
Congratulations to...
We are pleased to announce the birth of Nathan Thomas Debold, born today at 1:27 pm. He weighed 7 lb. 6 oz. and was 21 inches long. Baby and Mom are doing well. He is beautiful and perfect and looks a lot like big brother. Thank you for all the thoughts, prayers and well wishes.
Brad, Susan and big brother Blake
Well Wishes on a Speedy Recovery to...
Doug Hamilton
Carl Pahl
Welcome To....
Bythe & Bill Koss,Elsa, Matthew & Drayton as they move into Village Mill