Village Mill December Newsletter
December 4, 2014
Best Wishes to Everyone this Holiday Season!
Katie & Paula
V MNA Ladies Open House
Every year, the Village Mill Neighborhood Association (VMNA) ladies group celebrates a year of good events and fellowship.
Holiday Open House
at the home ofJulie Smith
4763 Olde Village Lane
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
All VMNA members who have paid their 2014 dues should have received an invitation. Please RSVP to the evite invitation when you receive it and use the signup genius attached to bring a food item for the evening.
If you would like to attend and haven't paid your 2014 dues of $35, please send a check to Sheila Greear at 4863 Village Creek Drive
*If your email is not in the 2014 directory, please email Julie Smith at jmsmith97@bellsouth.net with your email address so that you will receive an evite for this fun event!
V MCI Holiday Party, December 13th
Village Mill Holiday Party
Saturday, December 13
7:30 pm
Home of Cathy & Scott Tapp
4816 Village Creek Drive
- The attire is Festive Casual.
- Cost is $15 per person. Heavy Appetizers, drinks and desserts are all included.
- If you have other events to attend....please stop by during the evening.
Please RSVP here by December 10, 2014.
Our DECEMBER meeting will be our Annual Christmas Dinner December 7th at the Crowne Plaza at Ravinia with the JULIETS as our honored guests
Our NOVEMBER breakfast meeting had Patriotism as our theme. We celebrated and honored Sgt. Mike Carlson's safe return from his 1 year deployment in Afghanistan with his National Guard Unit. Sgt. Carlson's remarks regarding the success of his mission and the accomplishments of his military team were very uplifting, inspiring, and most appreciated. We know the Dunwoody Police Department is equally glad to have Sgt. Carlson back.We likewise celebrated The United States Marine Corps birthday and recognized THE ROMEO Veterans.
In lieu of a DECEMBER breakfast meeting, we will instead celebrate the Holidays with our Annual ROMEO/JULIET Christmas Dinner at the Crowne Plaza Ravina, Maplewood Room, on Sunday, December 7 beginning with a reception at 600 PM. We have 59 confirmed reservations for the gala event. We will again support the Dunwoody Police Department "Christmas For Kids" wonderful outreach as our one service project. Unwrapped gifts for a child 15 and under will be presented to Sgt. Fidel Espinoza, founder of the program, at our dinner. This promises to be an evening to remember.
VMNA needs new board members for the 2015 year. All positions are available which includes President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary.
Please contact Terri Gouldman (ttgouldman@gmail.com) if you would like to hold a board position for 2015. All board members should live in the Village Mill neighborhood especially President and Vice-President. If you are currently holding a position for a committee and do not wish to lead the committee next year, you are responsible for finding your replacement.
Our neighborhood is awesome, and we need you to volunteer to keep our activities running! If you would like to be on a committee, please also email ttgouldman@gmail.com. There are many committees to choose from. The Village Mill Directory includes all committees.
~Learn More~
Villa ge Mill Christmas Eve Luminary Tradition
Whether you celebrate the luminary tradition or not, step outside at 6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve and join your neighbors for hugs, handshakes and good wishes. It is a special time in Village Mill! Here are the details for the annual luminary tradition:
*** You will need: brown paper lunch bags, some sand, and small
votive candles. A typical Village Mill yard needs about 16 bags and
candles. Corner lots will need at least twice that.Put about 2 inches of sand in the bottom of each bag.Sand will be available in the pool parking lot starting Saturday,December 20th. ***
On Christmas Eve, place the bags 6 feet apart, along the curb, in front of
your house, including your driveway. Put a candle in each bag.
*** Light your candles at 6:00 p.m. - rain or shine - and let them burn
as long as they will through the night. If you won't be at home on
Christmas Eve, please ask a neighbor to light your luminaries for you.
Happy Holidays!
VM CI Updates
Upcoming VMCI Board Meetings
* December 16 (Sunday) @ 7:30pm - home of Paula and Eric Friedman
Holiday Support Opportunity
Regardless of religion, the world has chosen this time of year to celebrate love through the gift of giving.
Our family is involved with a local Dunwoody food pantry/soup kitchen, called Malachi's Storehouse. It is an outreach ministry at St. Patrick's Episcopal Church in Dunwoody, distributing over 200,000 pounds of food annually to needy families of all denominations. 500 children are registered to receive toys on Saturday, Dec. 20 at Malachi's Annual Toy Party. We would appreciate your consideration of a donation of new toys, gift cards, cash/check or gift wrap to benefit the children who are in need, especially at this joyous time of year. I will have a box on my porch, 4634 Village Ct, where you can leave donations of toys. If you'd like to contribute gift cards or money, please call or email me at batoms@icloud.com so I can make arrangements to collect these items from you.
Thank you for your support!
The Toms Family
Ne ighborhood News
Congratulations to...
Suzanne and Jared Abrams on the birth of their son, James.
Lauren and Matt Acuff on the birth of their daughter, Summer.
Thank you to...
A huge thank you to all of the Village Mill residents (and friends) who helped with the Halloween Ghost Patrol. We truly appreciate you all being there for the kids and Village Mill.
Thank you to Andy Smith, Curt Knorr, Bill Doyle, Sue Jones, Andy May, Tom Drewicz, John Gouldman, Kristy Pierce, Cameron Pierce and Pat Casey, Sr. Many of you have done this year after year and this neighborhood would not be the neighborhood it is without you!
Tricia Casey