Village Mill Neighborhood Association
January 2013
Paula Friedman & Katie Frame, Editors
Find "Village Mill" on facebook for updates
VMNA-VMCI Women's Social:
Please join your friends and neighbors for a women's gathering on Friday, January 11th.
We will have appetizers, desserts and drinks.
This will also be an opportunity for you to sign up to help with the 2013 VMNA and VMCI events for the year. So gather up a group of friends and head on over for some fun. We need lots of new blood, so don't be shy....our veteran helpers need some fun, creative new ideas for our standard events and new quarterly socials.
Where: Julie Cole's House
4662 Peeler Mill Ct.
When: Friday, January 11th
If you would like to contirubute an appetizer or dessert, please email Julie Cole, dbjcole02@aol.com
A formal invite to RSVP will be sent prior to event. Please mark your calendars now.
2013 VMCI Summer Friday Night Cookouts:
Julie Cole has coordinated these great Friday gatherings at the pool for the past 2 summers. She wants to take a break this year and is looking for 1-3 people to take over the organizing. A sign-up genius is already set up to use each week.
Responsibilities would include:
Finding Cooks for Friday Nights prior to June 1st
Sending out a weekly sign-up genius email for RSVP's
Planning possible catered events for weekends with no cooks
Collecting money from cooks
Making sure supplies are on hand
This can be split amongst 1-3 people (preferably 3) so that you each are only responsible for 1 month. If you regularly attend these, please consider helping out. It's been a great new tradition at Village Mill and many of us would like to see it continue.
Please contact Julie Cole ( dbjcole02@aol.com or 770-546-8880) if you would like to help with the Friday Night Cookouts for the Summer of 2013.
THE ROMEOS enjoyed a fabulous Annual Christmas Dinner on December 9th according to the 44 attendees. Our thanks to Fred Augello and The Ravinia Staff for arranging a great menu and Holiday decor and service that made this event one to remember. Adding to the spirit of the season, THE ROMEOS and neighbor friends of THE ROMEOS filled Sgt. Rusty Furman's patrol car with the outpouring of gifts collected as part of the "Christmas For Kids" annual program sponsored by the Dunwoody Police Department. Rick McCully did a super job coordinating this support.
Based on the positive feedback received, we have booked The Ravinia for our 2013 Annual Christmas Dinner which will be on Sunday, December 1, 2013.
Our January breakfast meeting will be Monday January 14th at The Hickory House. We are very pleased that Mr. Michael Smith, Director of Public Works, for the City of Dunwoody will be our speaker. He will address the following HOT issues: 1) Vermack/Womack intersection; 2) Dunwoody Village Parkway project; 3) North Peachtree/Peeler Road intersection; and 4) Brook Run project. Our input is encouraged and welcome. We look forward to a great turnout based on the importance and impact of these issues.
For additional ROMEO info, please contact John Pleck, Chairman
phone 770-396-6283 or e-mail john.pleck@yahoo.com
How to contact the Dunwoody Post Office manager
If you would like to contact the Post Office Manager in Dunwoody, please email Royal at royal.l.smith@usps.gov or call 770-352-9113 and ask for Royal.
New Combination Lock on Women's Restroom
VMCI has removed the padlock from the women's restroom door and replaced it with a 4-digit, push-button combination lock. The code is the last four (4) digits of our zip code - "0338". This should be easy for members and visiting tennis teams to remember. Additionally, our zip code is posted in big numbers on the front wall of the pool house (above and to the right of the bathroom door) to help visiting tennis teams from outside of Dunwoody. Please make note of the new door code and remember to use discretion when sharing this code with non-members and children.
To use the new lock, you simply press the four buttons in the proper order and door will unlock, allowing you to turn the handle and pull the door open. The door will automatically relock after 30 seconds or you can manually relock it from the outside by pressing the "Lock" button. As a safety feature, the door will always open from the inside of the bathroom when the handle is turned.
Sympathy to...
The family ofCharlie Shenk on his death.
Next Newsletter...
Please email news items to villagemillnewslettereditors@gmail.com
by January 25, 2012 for inclusion in the February issue. Please DO NOT send information to Katie's or Paula's personal email addresses as they share the job of the newsletter and don't want information to get missed. Also, please visit the "Village Mill" Facebook page for upcoming events.