Village Mill Neighborhood Association
January 2015 Newsletter
VMNA Updates
Happy New Year!! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. We had lots of great holiday events in Village Mill, including the Ladies Holiday Open House at Julie Smith's home. Many thanks to Julie and Mike Smith for hosting this event.
Thank you toSusan West for the bows and candles and all of her years of much appreciated service and making sure our neighborhood is ready for the holidays every year.
A big thank you to everyone that volunteered their time to VMNA this year to support our neighborhood and make sure we had fun events planned.
As the new year begins, the term of the current board is ending. VMNA needs new board members for the 2015 year. All positions are available which includes President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary.
Please contact Terri Gouldman if you would like to hold a board position for 2015. All board members should live in the Village Mill neighborhood especially President and Vice-President. If you are currently holding a position for a committee and do not wish to lead the committee next year, you are responsible for finding your replacement.
Our neighborhood is awesome, and we need you to volunteer to keep our activities running! If you would like to be on a committee, please also email Terri There are many committees to choose from. The Village Mill Directory includes all committees.
If you haven't served as an officer, or it has been awhile since you last served, please consider volunteering your time. Please contact Terri if you have further questions. Thank you for considering.
Best wishes for 2015
Terri Gouldman
Thank you from Ginger McLaughlin:
I'd like to express my appreciation for the heart warming cards and the beautiful gift.
I really enjoyed the time that I served on the Holiday Open House Committee - the fun of pulling it together, working with all the great people and seeing the ladies enjoy the party.
I always said it was my way of giving back to Village Mill. I'll miss it, but it's time for others to share in the fun.
Ginger McLaughlin
VMCI Updates
Thank you to Scott and Cathy Tapp for hosting the VMCI holiday party.
2015 Membership Dues
Be on the lookout (via e-mail) the first week in February for a VMCI Update Letter from your VMCI President, Andy Smith, along with the annual VMCI Dues Notice.Consistent with 2014, dues notices will arrive in February and dues will be due on March 1st to enable the Board to determine available openings for new memberships in advance of Swim Team registration.
Upcoming VMCI Board Meetings:
The first VMCI Board Meeting of 2015 is scheduled for Sunday January 25th at 7:30 pm at Andy Smith's home.
Our annual joint ROMEO/JULIET Christmas Dinner was celebrated by 58 holiday spirited attendees December 7th at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia. It was an evening filled with great fellowship, fine food, and an overall fun time. We are already planning for 2015.
A highlight of the evening was the presentation of some 40 gifts to Sgt. Espinoza of our Dunwoody Police Department in support of the "Christmas For Kids" beautiful outreach sponsored by our great Dunwoody Police Department. Thanks to all for participating.
We are looking forward to having our District 2 City Councilman, Jim Riticher, join us again at our Monday, January 12th breakfast meeting at J. Christopher's. Jim will have appropriate representatives from the City Of Dunwoody with him to address our concerns and objections with respect to ANY future extension of Olde Village Run into the Heritage Of Dunwoody adjoining neighborhood development now well underway. Please plan to come and be heard.
Happy New Year to one and all from THE ROMEOS!
Juliets news:
Please mark your calendars for our next meeting on January 17th, 2015. We will meet at 12:00 noon at Troon Grill at the Atlanta Athletic Club. We welcome your friends. Widows, those who are divorced or anyone who wants to join our lunch bunch are all welcome. Please notify your friends that don't use e-mail. We enjoy friendly conversation and you get your own meal ticket. Please bring a check for your meal, it's the easiest solution. Let Nancy Huey know if you want a ride 770-396-7036
Georgie's Girls Book Club
Wednesday, February 4th
10:00 a.m. - Mary Keesee's
7:30 p.m. - Jean DeVeer's
Book Choice: Me Before You
by Jojo Moyes
Next Newsletter...
Please email news items to villagemillnewslettereditors@gmail.com
by January 23, 2015 for inclusion in the February issue. Please DO NOT send information to Katie's or Paula's personal email addresses as they share the job of the newsletter and don't want information to get missed. Also, please visit the "Village Mill" Facebook page for upcoming events.